Spirituality simplified
Through the journey of purified action, purified intellect and purified will, everyone can become available for the eternal bliss of universality.

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How does one enjoy the eternal bliss of universality?
The ultimate answers to these questions can only be arrived at through your personal experience.
In traditional Shaivism wisdom, both the right experience and the right knowledge, are given a lot of importance.

Take a walk through each chapter in detail with some experiential meditations dotted throughout the series, so that the student can understand the topic through experience and not only intellectually.
Take the journey with us through Atma Nirvriti.
In Tantra the importance is given to experience, not to concepts.
Conceptual understanding may satisfy our mind but the purpose of all these techniques is to go beyond mind and senses.
It is advised to understand these dharna through a living master.
About Sri Yaju
“This has been a journey of many lifetimes, culminating in the nothingness of Chaitanya. The language is too gross to illuminate this experiential paradox.
Through the journey of purified action, purified intellect and purified will, everyone can become available for the eternal bliss of universality.
I dedicate this space to the highest possibilities of mankind. Realising our true essence and to live every moment in that awareness. ”.
Chaitanya Yogeshji